John Negus talk at Weyhill, Andover

“Had a great talk last night at Weyhill, Andover. My quiz resulted in a very happy lady going away with a Grazer spray gun for tackling cabbage white butterflies, caterpillars and aphids. Well done this company for innovating an environmentally safe organic control for keeping our garden pest free.” John Negus Garden Writer and speaker


Another testimonial for G1

We were very pleased to hear from Leslie Mossam, a garden designer from Stafford, who got a small pack of Grazers G1 (rabbits, pigeon & deer) at a show last year to try out, obviously in her business she is well aware of the difficulties and heartache of designing and creating gardens that have rabbits


John Negus’ Gardening Club Prizewinners

‘After chatting to members of the Warfield Park, Bracknell, Berkshire gardening club and South Holmwood WI Dorking, I presented a quiz in which the winner was delighted to receive a trigger-spray container of Grazers new G2 Formula. Effective against damage from slugs and snails on hostas¸ delphiniums and other vulnerable plants, it should be applied weekly…
